Test Examples

When writing a tutorial you'll find you need to write tests for a wide variety of scenarios. This section aims to provide examples and inspiration.

Integration tests are usable, but slower. Unit tests are fastest whenever possible.

That said, anything can be tested. I’ll include some examples below of tests I’ve made for inspiration.


Testing equality Eg. https://github.com/ShMcK/coderoad-tutorial-js-bug-hunter/commit/75b32ebee89853deb3b4dad6aa8654f89bc72cff


Code that listens for something to have been called. Use a spy. Eg. 1.2 console log · ShMcK/coderoad-fcc-basic-node-and-express@ec62e7b · GitHub

Dependency Installed

Watch for a dependency to be installed. Eg. 1.1 install express · ShMcK/coderoad-fcc-basic-node-and-express@9e28073 · GitHub

API Test

Code that calls an endpoint and validates the return. Eg. 2.1 get root · ShMcK/coderoad-fcc-basic-node-and-express@b08cb17 · GitHub

File Creation

Check if a file exists. Eg. 6.1 create .env · ShMcK/coderoad-fcc-basic-node-and-express@eaf4220 · GitHub

Regex Code

Run a regex matcher to find a code match. Code can expect to be formatted from the provided linter rules. Eg. 11.2 body parser middleware · ShMcK/coderoad-fcc-basic-node-and-express@8b416dc · GitHub


Test shallow renders with @testing-library/react. Eg. setup: working message form input · ShMcK/coderoad-tutorial-tweeter@1c248ff · GitHub You can also test hooks with @testing-library/react-hooks Eg. setup: useText hook refactor · ShMcK/coderoad-tutorial-tweeter@71deafa · GitHub

Testing a Test 🤯

It's even possible to write tests for tests. The trick is to mock the solution, and run the tests. Eg Test a Test