Initial Commit

Include basic setup for your project.

The first commit requires some necessary setup. See an example init commit.

A JS project should include:

  • .gitignore - ignore any meta files, like package-lock.json or they may cause merge conflicts
  • .vscode/extensions - would recommend “dbaeumer.vscode-eslint”
  • .vscode/launch.json - file for running the debugger
  • .vscode/settings.json - ensure that formatOnSave and linting are enabled
  • package.json - include test commands - include repo - include test runner dependencies

If starting a project with React, bear in mind that create-react-app runs some pretty hacky processes behind the scenes. You can use the following boilerplate in your project: init with coderoad react tutorial starter · ShMcK/coderoad-tutorial-tweeter@059e004 · GitHub