Hooks & Actions

To make a functional tutorial, tutorial creators need a bit more control over what can be run and when.


A hook in CodeRoad is a place where a tutorial can tap in to run an action. Hooks include:

  • config.setup - when the tutorial setup. This is a great place to setup your test runner.
  • step.setup - when a task is started
  • step.solution - when a solution is loaded from a reset

Hooks and actions combine to provide a flexible environment for tutorial development.

To see which hooks run where, consult the hooks list in the codebase.


An action is a piece of functionality that can be run. These include:

commands (string[])

A list of cli commands to run. For example, "npm install"

- 'npm install'

In the example above, npm install will run in the root of the workspace.

vscodeCommands (string[] | [command: string, params: any][])

A list of vscode API commands to run. Commands may be a single string, or an array with the command, and params.

- 'workbench.action.terminal.toggleTerminal' # toggle terminal
- [
{ orientation: 0, groups: [{ groups: [{}, {}], size: 0.5 }, { groups: [{}, {}], size: 0.5 }] },
] # set the orientation of windows and sizes

For example, "toggleTerminal" toggles the terminal, while "setLayout" changes the layout of windows.

There are a number of options in the VSCode API. More info at:

watchers (string[])

A list of files globs to listen to. If a file changes that matches the pattern, the test runner will run automatically.

- 'package.json'
- 'node_modules/express'

The example above will run tests if the package.json file changes, or if there is a change in node_modules/express. This is a good way to run tests if a package is installed.

Note that watchers are throttled to run no more than once per second.

Read more about glob patterns.

files (string[])

A list of files to open in the users workspace to drive the users attention.

- 'README.md'

The above example will open the "README.md" file in the users workspace. Note that file paths are relative to the workspace root.

filter (string)

A glob passed into the test runner to limit the tests returned.

filter: 'tests/{level1, level2}/*'

Will restrict tests to only run a subset of tests that match the filter. Filter depends on your test runner, and can be configured in the test runner.

command: ./node_modules/.bin/mocha
filter": --grep

Essentially, the above example will run ./node_modules/.bin/mocha --grep level_1_tests as the test command.


A task made up of multiple other tests where all must pass to continue.

subtask example

See an example.

Subtasks do not require any config, but may be written in the TUTORIAL.md with corresponding test names.

1. Add the subtask titles to the TUTORIAL.md
## 1. Subtask Example
A subtask example
### 1.1
Create a function `add` that can take a variety of params.
- Add one number
- Add two numbers
- Add three numbers
2. Label the tests with :#

As an example, the below test corresponds to the index of the first subtask ("Add one number").

it(':1 should add one number', function () {
const result = add(1) === 1
const message = 'Should accept a single param'
assert.ok(result, message)
const result2 = add(42) === 42
assert.ok(result2, message)

See an example subtask test file for more.

The number of subtasks should match the number of tests being run. If this is not the case, use filter to limit the tests.